Over Culture
We believe in God's Word and trust in Jesus Christ as our LORD & Savior; With that we walk out, into the world, as Christ called us and we love, share, teach, build up, and support our neighbors, orphans, widows and captive.
We look to serve the hurting, confused, lost, and broken with the Kingdom laws of relationships; allowing for grace and truth to fill lives with faith, hope, love, and purpose.
Women's Sober Living Facility
New LIfe Women's Recovery Home
January 2023 KOC launched New Life Women's Recovery Home in West Union SC. The first of its kind in Oconee County. Our Mission is to create and empower Christ-centered life change that will lead to culture change,
with a focus on women who struggle with substance use disorder, incarceration, and recidivism. New Life is a woman’s transitional sober home that is focused on helping women recover from their past and transition into a new life. Our goal is to create a Kingdom (Christ-centered) environment for women who desire a place to reset so they can transition into a better lifestyle and future. Our program is designed to provide not only the community and education but also the many other resources needed to move up in life.

Jail Ministry
We participate in the local jail ministry in Oconee County SC. We share God's word and hope, weekly, with the women that have been incarcerated. We publish a weekly newsletter for the ladies to help them learn God's Word, study God's Word, pray, and trust in the Finished work of Christ! We have donated over 140 Bibles so far, to the incarcerated women in Oconee.
Support Groups
We want to create a community around those who are in need of positive friends and family that can help encourage and strengthen them as well as celebrate and grow with them! We are in the process of setting up needed groups now. Please contact us if you are interested in being part of any type of support group.

Volunteer Groups

Emergency Food and Household Items
We have a fund that is able to help people buy groceries and other needed items if they are having a hard time making ends meet. This helps them focus on their families and other priorities rather than worrying about their basic necessities being met.

We serve many families in the community in many different ways; from giving rides to church and work to helping families organize their finances and create budgets. We also help with local community projects as we come across them. Please sign up if you would like more information as needs arise.

Needs Assessment & Life Coaching
We offer needs assessments and life coaching to anyone in need of Godly counsel and vision. With the needs assessment we go over where you are and where you want/need to be. Then we devise a plan to get you there!
Together with a mentor, life coach and community you can be encouraged to follow your dreams and walk in God's will for your life! Every life has a purpose and God has a plan for every life!
*Fee Involved
**Scholarships Available (hassle free)